The Department of Internal Reconstruction

Department of Internal Reconstruction Performance, 2016
Medium: Performance
Duration of performance: 45 min, Performed 3 separate times.
Key Excerpt: 00:00 - 6:59 and 10:39 - 17:49
Inspired by Cindy Sherman, my performance persona for The Department of Internal Reconstruction presents itself as a knowledgeable, quirky persona with seemingly no life outside of the institution. Within the fabricated institutional language, norms, power, and physical limitations are all cultural knowledge being sculpted, subverting the socialized patterns of interacting with artifacts. Using implausible explanations, this work leads the viewer to question who we entrust as knowledge bearers.

Department Installation, 2016
Size: 12in x 23in x 20in
Medium: Installation
The Department of Internal Reconstruction and subsequent Antiquities Application were exhibited within the locker 95 gallery in Austin. Installed in the locker is a bland and quotidian office, housing the entirely fabricated department and its one very passionate employee.
Antiquities Application
Antiquities Application, 2016
Size: 8.5in x 11in
Medium: Inkjet Print
As part of an application to the Texas Historical Commission, for two months I documented the changes happening to the University of Texas Department of Art and Art History campus building during minor structural and cosmetic renovations. I began to admire the way reconstruction leaves behind physical traces such as painter's tape guidelines, small irrigation holes, warning signs without explanation, and differences in the colors of bricks. This print material served as a performance work prop for the duration of my exhibition at Locker 95 Gallery. Once retired, I sent the application to the Texas Historical Commission. I have yet to hear back on whether the antiquities permit was approved.